Seokmun-Hoheup: Weekly ONLINE Drop-In Series, Mondays, 5-6pm, Online


$15 per month, $50 for series
Monday meetings from 5-6PM each week

Opt in for those who have already taken or are taking Seokmun Hoheup in person meetings with Dr. Paul Min.
Start date 01-22 end date 05-20

The online Seokmun-Hoheup drop-in session offers a group session to do warmup exercises and Hang-Gong practice together. Everyone has their own unique journey and rhythm in life, making it challenging to change established habits and momentum. Engaging in Hang-Gong as a group offers an opportunity to forge a new direction and rhythm in one's life. By joining these sessions and consistently practicing Hang-Gong with us, you will receive the support and energy needed to foster positive habits in your life. Join us and discover your true potential. A short Q&A chat session is available at the end of each meeting. Note: This session is intended for individuals who have previously attended a Seokmun-Hoheup introduction program and know how to do Hang-Gong. If you are new to Hang-Gong please ask for Seokmun-Hoheup introduction program at Wisdom Ways.

Dr. Paul Min is an associate professor in radiology and a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic who specializes in dementia. He started his journey trying to understand and find his purpose in life. When young, he was heavily devoted to Christianity through the Bible. He further studied Buddhism and learned how to look carefully into himself. At age 25, he met Seokmun Breathing practice while looking for practical methods to develop and train himself to bring out his true potential. After 20 years of practice, he is going through the instructor program of Seokmun Breathing to share the studies he learned about changing and becoming brighter.

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